Excellence matters

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”   – Aristotle

Just react to this quote.  Don’t think—just start typing.


4 thoughts on “Excellence matters

  1. Sorry—

    Here’s what I meant to write:

    Excellence is about capturing your audience’s attention with your uniquely perfect execution, time and again. Think about Tiger Woods. Think about Rudy Guiliani. Think about Velcro. Think about Meryl Streep.


  2. Excellence is about capturing your audience’s attention the uniquely perfect execution, time and again. Think about Tiger Woods. Think about Rudy Guiliani. Think about Velcro.


  3. Excellence is based on our perception and beliefs that our own world, our sphere of influence, can be better and that we and others can experience satisfaction and optimal living. We will act on what we believe.
    Excellence is the pursuit of peace – wholeness or completeness in the midst of a world where many things can go wrong. We strive to overcome the undertow of mediocre and become an undertow ourselves of enthusiastic optimism, ingenuity, and success.


  4. I seek excellence. Excellence inspires me.

    It’s funny how the day-to-day efforts rarely trigger the excellence bell. Too often we just churn along, doing what we do.

    Today I am going to focus on excellence, even in the little things.

    Thanks for the reminder.



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